


Themal Shock Chamber with Humidity

  • 公司名稱廣東宏展科技有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號HTSA
  • 所  在  地蘇州市
  • 廠商性質生產廠家
  • 更新時間2024/1/25 17:17:38
  • 訪問次數219


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廣東宏展科技有限公司,注冊資本:人民幣壹仟萬元,公司自2005年創立以來,專職于環境試驗箱及工業烤箱的生產與研發,我們在環境試驗箱及工業烤箱領域里,不遺余力。是目前我國生產環境試驗箱及工業烤箱的重點企業,是東莞市民營科技企業、廣東省民營科技企業、國家*。宏展以‘環境模擬’為自己的經營課題,以「追求*」、「開創新局」為使命。積累了更多的專業經驗與技術,在制程方面不斷的開發更*的環境試驗箱及工業烤箱產品,以自主性技術及優良的制程站穩市場。 在「質」與「值」的堅持,我們從不妥協!

Thermal shock cycle test and dew condensation cycle test can be conducted with this chamber only
Themal Shock Chamber with Humidity 產品信息

Themal Shock Chamber with Humidity

Thermal shock cycle test and dew condensation cycle test can be conducted with this chamber only.

Notebook PC, phones, auto electronics are exposed to sudden temperature changes because they are moved from outdoor to indoor and vise versa.
It is necessary to conduct thermal shock cycle test with sudden change between high and low temperatures. Also dew condensation is a big issue. The dew condensation effects performances and functions of electronics equipment causing corrosion, migration and malfunctions. The dew condensation test is important for checking these conditions. By using newly developed thermal shock chamber with humidity, you can save space and cost because only one chamber is required.



New type thermal shock chamber

The high temperature chamber of standard thermal shock chamber is changed to high temperature and humidity chamber, making the dew condensation cycle test possible. Since two types of tests can be conducted with this chamber, you can save space and cost, labor for taking out and in specimens.

Thermal shock cycle test functions

Lowest low temp. exposure temp. is -70°C (TSA-101S/TSA-201S -70°C) and highest high temp. exposure temp. is +150°C (TSA-101S/TSA-201S +200°C). They conform to testing standard such as IEC 61747-5.
*For details of testing standards, please contact us.

Equivalent functions to humidity cycle test chamber

· Uniform dew condensation with excellent temperature uniformity
· The dew drop from ceiling can be prevented by controlling temperature of test area wall.
· Air velocity variable is installed on the high temperature and humidity chamber to control dew time and dew uniformity.
· A defrost function is attached on the high temperature and humidity chamber. It is not necessary to interrupt the test for defrosting.




Main specifications

Model HTSA-101D-W HTSA-201D-W
Power supply 200V AC 3φ 3W 50/60Hz
System 2-zone and 3-zone with damper switching
Test area*2 High temp. exposure temp. range 1.Thermal shock cycle test +70°C to +150°C
2.Dew condensation cycle test -10°C to +100°C
Low temp. exposure temp. range -70°C to +10°C
Temperature fluctuation ± 1°C
Humidity fluctuation ± 5% rh
High temperature and humidity chamber (stand-alone performance) Upper limit pre heat. temp +150°C
Humidity range 40 to 95% rh(at dew condensation cycle test)
Temperature heat-up rate Within 30 min. from -10°C to +100°C
Temperature pull-down rate Within 60 min. from +20°C to -10°C
Low temperature chamber (stand-alone performance) Lower limit pre-cool temperature -75°C
Temperature heat-up rate Within 30 min. from -75°C to +10°C
Temperature pull-down rate Within 60 min. from ambient temp. to -75°C
Temperature recovery performance
Thermal shock cycle test Recovery conditions
3-zone   Low temp. exposure:
-65°C (30 min.)
Ambient temp. exposure:
Ambient temperature (10 min. )
High temp. exposure:
+150°C (30 min.)
Power supply : specified power supply
Sensor position: Upstream of specimen
Specimen: Plastic mold IC 5kg Specimen: Plastic mold IC 10kg
Recovery time High temp. recovery: within 10 min.
(ambient temp. to
Low temp. recovery: within 10 min.
(ambient temp. to -65°C)
High temp. recovery: within 16 min.
(ambient temp. to
Low temp. recovery: within 16 min.
(ambient temp. to -65°C)
Dew condensation cycle test1 Recovery conditions
2-zone   Low temp. exposure:
+5°C (20 min.)
High temp. and humidity exposure:
+25°C 90% (20 min.)
Power supply : specified power supply
Sensor position: Upstream of specimen
Specimen: PCB 2kg Specimen: PCB 5kg
Recovery time*4 High temp. recovery: within 20 sec,
(+5°C→ +25°C 90%)
Low temp. recovery: within 3 min.
(+25°C 90% rh → +5°C)
High temp. recovery: within 20 sec,
(+5°C→ +25°C 90%)
Low temp. recovery: within 5 min.
(+25°C 90% rh → +5°C)
Dew condensation cycle test2 Recovery conditions*5
2-zone   Low temp. exposure:
-30°C(60 min.)
High temp. and humidity exposure:
+25°C 95%(60 min.)
*Preheat temp.25°C 95%
Power supply : specified power supply
Sensor position: Upstream of specimen
Specimen: none
Recovery time*4 High temp. and humidity recovery:
within 5 min.(-30°C→ +25°C 95%)
Low temp. and humidity recovery:
within 5 min.
(+25°C 95% rh → -30°C)
Specimen basket withstand load 5kg(Evenly distributed load)
Test area dimensions W650 × H460 × D370mm W650 × H460 × D670mm
Chamber outer dimensions W1670 × H1900 × D1570mm
(excluding protrusions)
W1670 × H1900 × D1870mm
(excluding protrusions)
Chamber weight
About 1300 kg About 1550 kg

*1.At ambient temperature of 23 °C
*2.The operating performance of dew condensation cycle test needs requirements. Please contact us for details.
*3.At ambient temperature of +23°C and cooling water temperature of +25°C.
*4.Performance at temperature only
*5.Defrost by cycle defrosting is required in every 12 cycles.
*The model name may be changed.



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