Sika 流量計、Sika 流量傳感器、Sika 流量開關、Sika 溫度計 Sika 校準檢測儀、Sika
液位計、Sika 壓力傳感器、Sika 壓力表等液壓元件。
The new generation of magnetic inductive flow sensors from SIKA. In nominal sizes DN3 to DN25, the VMZ.2 series impresses with its optimised frequency signal and optional analogue output signals. They even dose aggressive media and with minimized pressure loss. Precise, high-quality and reliable - like SIKA.
Sika 流量計、Sika 流量傳感器
With the TP 37450E.2 SIKA is now entering new temperature ranges, of course not without shaking up the market with further new features. In addition to dry block calibrations, the TP 37450E.2 can also perform calibrations for infrared thermometers and surface sensors.
隨著TP 37450E.2sika現在正在進入新的溫度范圍,當然不是沒有動搖市場與進一步的新特點。除了干塊校準外,TP 37450E.2還可以對紅外溫度計和表面傳感器進行校準
High-quality flow sensors without moving parts, made of robust brass or stainless steel. The new SIKA Vortex VVX with nominal sizes DN 32 and DN 40 are characterised by their stability, durability and optimised temperature measurement. As reliable in-line devices, they are perfectly suited for use, for example, in large heat pumps and industrial plants.
The latest development of the SIKA temperature calibrators includes the integration of the internal measuring instrument into our TP-Premium series. With this temperature calibrator you can fully automatically calibrate several sensors and issue a digital calibration certificate without any additional accessories.
SIKA溫度校準器的新發展包括將內部測量儀器集成到我們的TP Premium系列中。使用此溫度校準器,您可以*自動校準多個傳感器,并在無需任何附加附件的情況下頒發數字校準證書。
As co-founder of the calibration guideline DKD-R 5-4 in 1995, SIKA has laid the foundation for European (EA 10/13 sine 02/2000) and international (EURAMET cg-13) standards. This of many years‘ standing experience and tradition is consequently continued by the establishment of a DAkkS lab for temperature, pressure and electric measures. Temperature and pressure sensors as well as measuring, test and calibration instruments from SIKA are available with works certificate or DAkkS certificate.
作為校準指南DKD R 5-4在1995的共同創始人,梅卡為歐洲(EA 10/13正弦02/2000)和(EURAMET CG-13)標準奠定了基礎。因此,通過建立一個DAkkS溫度、壓力和電測量實驗室,延續了多年的經驗和傳統。SIKA提供的溫度和壓力傳感器以及測量、測試和校準儀器均具有書或DAkkS證書
Rey Young
Sales Manager
R&H International Trade (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Room 1118, Building 1,No.5018 Hutai Road, Shanghai City. China